Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Going into all the world...well, at least Tanzania!

In just three short (very short) days, I leave for my fourth mission trip to Africa. This will be my third trip to Tanzania and I am really looking forward to it. It is my hope to blog during the trip to keep people up-to-date about what we are doing and seeing while we are there.

During our time in country, I will be teaching the book of James in the Andrew Connelly School of Preaching just outside of Arusha. We (the Bear Valley Bible Institute) have been involved with this work for over seven years and pray for its continued success in training men to preach the gospel in Tanzania and other surrounding countries. I always enjoy teaching these men. Their commitment to learn always touches me and they are a joy and blessing to get to know.

In addition to teaching the preaching students, I will also be teaching the missionary team how to use the Logos Bible Software. This is something I teach to the students in Denver in Ministry Technologies class and I am excited to help the missionaries learn to use this tool in their work. The mission field is a great place to leverage tools like this as it is difficult, if not impossible, to get traditional book libraries in place.

I will be traveling with my wife Lynn, Kathy Pollard and her son, Carl. The ladies are planning to teach a Ladies Program in USA River and help with Bible classes and evangelism in the area. This is my wife's second trip with me and Kathy has been to Tanzania a number of times in the past. They are looking forward to the trip as well and we all pray that our efforts will be productive for the Lord's Kingdom.

Please continue to pray for our safe travel and work as we strive to spread the gospel. I will keep posting as often as I can along the way.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I hope and pray that all goes well on your trip. I'm sure you all will benefit the people of Africa a great deal. Be safe and good luck!
Praying....Brett and Julie